# checkArubaOScx.pl
# checkmk Individual program call instead of agent access
# script queries parameters from Aruba CX Switches and deliveres output for checkmk
# individual program call ...
# Monitores Health Parameters like
# - VsxKeepAliveOperState
# - VsxDeviceRole
# - VsxConfigSync
# - VsxIslOperSate
# - PowerSupply
# - Temperature
# - see also: https://www.circitor.fr/Mibs/Html/A/ARUBAWIRED-VSX-MIB.php#arubaWiredVsxKeepAliveOperState
# sample output:
# <<<check_mk>>>
# Version: pn-v2023-07-08
# <<<local>>>
# 0 arubaOScx-VsxKeepAliveStatus - OK: vsx KeepAliveOperState: inSyncEstablished.
# 0 arubaOScx-VsxDeviceRole - OK: vsx device role: secondary.
# 0 arubaOScx-VsxConfigSync - OK: vsx config sync: enabled.
# 0 arubaOScx-VsxIslOperState - OK: vsx isl operating state: inSync.
# 0 arubaOScx-PowerSupply-1/1 - OK: 1/1 power supply state is ok
# 0 arubaOScx-PowerSupply-1/2 - OK: 1/2 power supply state is ok
# 0 arubaOScx-Temp-1/1-1 temp=23 OK Temp=23, State=normal, TempMin=19.5, TempMax=34
# 0 arubaOScx-Temp-1/1-2 temp=22 OK Temp=22, State=normal, TempMin=18.5, TempMax=33
# 0 arubaOScx-Temp-1/1-3 temp=20.5 OK Temp=20.5, State=normal, TempMin=17, TempMax=31.5
# (c) s4c
my $version= '2023-07-08';
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
my $debug=0; #1=on

if ($ARGV[0] eq '' ){
print "Usage: checkArubaOScx.pl <hostname or ip-address> <snmp community> --vsx\n";
print " example checkArubaOScx.pl public \n";
print " or\n";
print " example checkArubaOScx.pl public --vsx\n";
print "\n";
my $argument_count = scalar @ARGV;
my $ip= $ARGV[0];
my $community = $ARGV[1];
my $vsxmode = 0;

if ($argument_count == 3){
$vsxmode = 1 if $ARGV[2] eq '--vsx';
print "vsxmode is on" if $debug;

my $debug=0; #1=on
my %foundHash={};
my $line='';

print "<<<check_mk>>>\n";
print "Version: pn-v$version\n";
print "<<<local>>>\n";

if ($vsxmode){
my %matrix=();
my $service="arubaOScx-VsxKeepAliveStatus";
my $value = getSNMPInt(".");
if (($value >= 1) && ($value <=2)){
print "1 $service - Warning: vsx KeepAliveOperState: $matrix{$value}.\n";
}elsif ($value==3){
print "0 $service - OK: vsx KeepAliveOperState: $matrix{$value}.\n";
}elsif (($value >= 4) && ($value <=7)){
print "1 $service - Warning: vsx KeepAliveOperState: $matrix{$value}.\n";
print "3 $service - Unknown value\n";

if ($vsxmode){
my %matrix=();
my $service="arubaOScx-VsxDeviceRole";
my $value = getSNMPInt(".");
if (($value >= 1) && ($value <=3)){
print "0 $service - OK: vsx device role: $matrix{$value}.\n";
print "3 $service - Unknown value\n";

if ($vsxmode){
my %matrix=();
my $service="arubaOScx-VsxConfigSync";
my $value = getSNMPInt(".");
if (($value >= 1) && ($value <=2)){
print "0 $service - OK: vsx config sync: $matrix{$value}.\n";
print "3 $service - Unknown value\n";

if ($vsxmode){
my %matrix=();
my $service="arubaOScx-VsxIslOperState";
my $value = getSNMPInt(".");
if ($value == 1){
print "1 $service - Warning: vsx isl operating state: $matrix{$value}.\n";
}elsif ($value==2){
print "2 $service - Critical: vsx isl operating state: $matrix{$value}.\n";
}elsif ($value==3){
print "0 $service - OK: vsx isl operating state: $matrix{$value}.\n";
print "3 $service - Unknown value\n";

#name: .
#state: .

#psu 1) get names
my $service="arubaOScx-PowerSupply";
my %psuname=();
my $i=0;
open(IN,"snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip . 2>/dev/null |");
$line = $_;
print "[$i] $line\n" if $debug;
if ($line =~ /STRING: \"(.*)\"$/){
print Dumper(\%psuname) if $debug;

#psu 1) get state
my $i=0;
my $psustate='';
open(IN,"snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip . 2>/dev/null |");
$line = $_;
print "[$i] $line\n" if $debug;
if ($line =~ /STRING: \"(.*)\"$/){
if ($psustate =~ /ok/i){
print "0 $service-$psuname{$i} - OK: $psuname{$i} power supply state is ok\n";
print "1 $service-$psuname{$i} - Warning: $psuname{$i} power supply state is warning!\n";

#we have something like that:
#1] . = STRING: "1/1-1"
#[2] . = STRING: "1/1-2"
#[3] . = STRING: "1/1-3"
#[4] . = STRING: "normal"
#[5] . = STRING: "normal"
#[6] . = STRING: "normal"
#[7] . = INTEGER: 27000
#[8] . = INTEGER: 26500
#[9] . = INTEGER: 25500
#[10] . = INTEGER: 19500
#[11] . = INTEGER: 18500
#[12] . = INTEGER: 17000
#[13] . = INTEGER: 34000
#[14] . = INTEGER: 33000
#[15] . = INTEGER: 31500
my $service="arubaOScx-Temp";
my $i=0;
my $tempname; #
my $tempstate; #
my $temp; #
my $tempmin; #
my $tempmax; #
my %tempHash;
my $numOfTemp=0;
open(IN,"snmpwalk -v 2c -On -c $community $ip . 2>/dev/null |");
$line = $_;
print "[$i] $line\n" if $debug;
#grep the oid before the string
if ($line =~ /(\d\.\d\.\d\.\d\.\d*) = STRING: \"(.*)\"$/){
print "val1=$1, val2=$2\n" if $debug;
$numOfTemp++ if ($1 =~ /^5\.1\.3\.1\./);
if ($line =~ /(\d\.\d\.\d\.\d\.\d*) = INTEGER: (.*)$/){
print "val1=$1, val2=$2\n" if $debug;
print "i=$i / number of Temp=$numOfTemp.\n" if $debug;
print Dumper(\%tempHash) if $debug;

for (my $i=1;$i<=$numOfTemp;$i++){

if ($tempstate =~ /^normal$/i){
print "0 $service-$tempname temp=$temp OK Temp=$temp, State=$tempstate, TempMin=$tempmin, TempMax=$tempmax\n";
print "1 $service-$tempname temp=$temp Warning Temp=$temp, State=$tempstate, TempMin=$tempmin, TempMax=$tempmax\n";

#other sub routines
sub getSNMPStr($){
my $mib=$_[0];
my $found="not found";
open(IN,"snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip $mib 2>/dev/null |");
$line = $_;
#print "$line\n" if $debug;
if ($line =~ /STRING: \"(.*)\"$/){
#print "found=$found!!\n";
return $found;

sub getSNMPInt($){
my $mib=$_[0];
my $found="not found";
open(IN,"snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip $mib 2>/dev/null |");
$line = $_;
print "$line\n" if $debug;
if ($line =~ /INTEGER: (.*)$/){
#print "found=$found!!\n";
return $found;

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