sample snmpwalk command to get out, some information from the vsa:

#default community string ist public
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <vsa-ip-address> .

some interesting snmp mib variables can be found in the file "LEFTHAND-NETWORKS-NSM-CLUSTERING-MIB.mib", which can be found on the internet

for example:

clusModuleStorageStatus storage status of a module .
clusModuleRaidStatus RAID status of a module .
clusModuleName hostname of module .

>> have this knowledge, you can easily build a simple perl script that queries the information from the VSA and formats to "checkmk" format, so that it can be used as an "individual script":

# VSA Cluster Monitor
#[root@pnrtnagios01 ~]# snmpwalk -c public -v 2c .
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = STRING: "MyCluster" #Clustername
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 2
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 3
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 0
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 0
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 1
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = INTEGER: 1
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 13773420544 #clusClusterAvailableSpace /Space available to create volumes (assuming one replica) in the cluster.
# Divide by the number of replicas to obtain the true number.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 322388095 #clusClusterStatsIOsRead /A counter of IO read operations in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 605929634 #clusClusterStatsIOsWrite /A counter of IO write operations in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 26001669629952 # clusClusterStatsBytesRead /The number of bytes read from the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 15787429566976 # clusClusterStatsBytesWrite /The number of bytes written to the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 0
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 0
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 882064504 #clusClusterStatsIoLatencyRead /The total time spent waiting for read operations to complete in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 4432349402 #clusClusterStatsIoLatencyWrite /The total time spent waiting for write operations to complete in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 221403500 #clusClusterStatsCacheHits /The number of read cache hits and read ahead hits in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 20930038784 #clusClusterTotalSpace /The total space for data storage in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 7156618240 #clusClusterProvisionedSpace /The amount of storage space that has been provisioned in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Counter64: 7154634240 #clusClusterUsedSpace /The amount of storage space that has been used in the cluster.
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 34 #ClusterUtilization /The percentage of storage space that has been used in the cluster.
# sample nagios check output
# OK - rta 33,341ms, lost 0%|rta=33,341ms;200,000;500,000;0; pl=0%;40;80;; rtmax=33,362ms;;;; rtmin=33,309ms;;;;
# see also:

# 4. PNP Templates for local checks
# All those files are expected to be in the same directory as check_mk-local.php.

if ($ARGV[0] eq '' ){
print "Usage: <hostname or ip-address> <snmp community - if not specified public is used> <80 - warning> <90 - critical>\n";
print " example public 80 90\n";
print "\n";
$clusterip = $ARGV[0];
$community = $ARGV[1];
$warning = $ARGV[2];
$critical= $ARGV[3];

$warning=80 if $warning eq '';
$critical=87 if $critical eq '';

$community='public' if $community eq '';
$debug=0; #1=on
$clustername = '';

print "<<<check_mk>>>\n";
print "Version: pn-v2016-07-22\n";
print "<<<local>>>\n";
open(IN,"snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $clusterip . 2>/dev/null |");
$line = $_;
print "$line\n" if $debug;
if ($line =~ /9804.*\"(.*)\"$/){
print "clustername = $1\n" if $debug;

#read write information
if ($line =~ /9804.*Counter64:\s(\d*)$/){
print "0 VSA-ClusterStatsIOsRead count=$1c $clustername: counter of IO read operations in the cluster $1.\n";
if ($line =~ /9804.*Counter64:\s(\d*)$/){
print "0 VSA-ClusterStatsIOsWrite count=$1c $clustername: counter of IO write operations in the cluster $1.\n";
if ($line =~ /9804.*Counter64:\s(\d*)$/){
print "0 VSA-ClusterStatsBytesRead count=$1c $clustername: The number of bytes read from the cluster $1.\n";
if ($line =~ /9804.*Counter64:\s(\d*)$/){
print "0 VSA-ClusterStatsBytesWrite count=$1c $clustername: The number of bytes written to the cluster $1.\n";

#Io Latency
if ($line =~ /9804.*Counter64:\s(\d*)$/){
print "0 VSA-ClusterStatsIoLatencyRead count=$1c $clustername: The total time spent waiting for read operations to complete in the cluster $1.\n";
if ($line =~ /9804.*Counter64:\s(\d*)$/){
print "0 VSA-ClusterStatsIoLatencyWrite count=$1c $clustername: The total time spent waiting for write operations to complete in the cluster $1.\n";

#space used
#print "$line\n";
#SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9804. = Gauge32: 80
if ($line =~ /9804.*Gauge32:\s(\d*)$/){
if ($1 >= $critical){
print "2 VSA-ClusterUtilization count=$1 $clustername: percentage of storage space used = $1.\n";
if ($1 >= $warning ){
print "1 VSA-ClusterUtilization count=$1 $clustername: percentage of storage space used = $1.\n";
print "0 VSA-ClusterUtilization count=$1 $clustername: percentage of storage space used = $1.\n";

if (! exists $foundHash{'VSA-ClusterStatsIOsRead'}){print "1 VSA-ClusterStatsIOsRead count=c $clustername: no values found!\n";}
if (! exists $foundHash{'VSA-ClusterStatsIOsWrite'}){print "1 VSA-ClusterStatsIOsWrite count=c $clustername: no values found!\n";}
if (! exists $foundHash{'VSA-ClusterStatsBytesRead'}){print "1 VSA-ClusterStatsBytesRead count=c $clustername: no values found!\n";}
if (! exists $foundHash{'VSA-ClusterStatsBytesWrite'}){print "1 VSA-ClusterStatsBytesWrite count=c $clustername: no values found!\n";}
if (! exists $foundHash{'VSA-ClusterStatsIoLatencyRead'}){print "1 VSA-ClusterStatsIoLatencyRead count=c $clustername: no values found!\n";}
if (! exists $foundHash{'VSA-ClusterStatsIoLatencyWrite'}){print "1 VSA-ClusterStatsIoLatencyWrite count=c $clustername: no values found!\n";}
if (! exists $foundHash{'VSA-ClusterUtilization'}){print "1 VSA-ClusterUtilization count=c $clustername: no values found!\n";}

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