# HPE IMC - using SFTP / SCP to upload firmware

if you need to debug SFTP / SCP process there are log files under
/opt/iMC/server/conf/log/*.log ....
This logs are a bit confusing .. so sometimes it makes sense to have the understand
how the copy process will work manual. Therefore some testing was made. Here comes the result:

To turn on the secury copy feature it is necessary to set "ip ssh filetransfer" on the switch:

using the command show ip ssh, you see the settings:
(config)# show ip ssh

SSH Enabled : Yes Secure Copy Enabled : Yes
TCP Port Number : 22 Timeout (sec) : 120
Host Key Type : RSA Host Key Size : 2048

>> Secury Copy Enabled has to be yes!

sftp firmware deploy tests / using manual sftp / psftp / scp commands

FIRMWARE located on IMC
firmware that is stored in the ICM software database is located in directory: <IMC directory>/server/data/image,
for example:
windows: c:\program files\iMC\server\data\image

FIRMWARE destionation on HPE / Aruba / procurve switch
the firmware files are under directory:
- /os/primary
- /os/secondary

- copy via sftp by using the psftp command from IMC
lets copy firmware YA_15_18_0007.swi via SFTP to a HPE Aruba 2530 8 Port Switch (J9774A):

#starting in directory: /opt/iMC/server/bin/

/opt/iMC/server/bin/psftp -P 22 admin@
#once you are logged in change the local data path using command:

psftp> lpwd
Current local directory is /opt/iMC/server/bin
psftp> put ../data/image/YA_16_11_0003.swi /os/secondary
local:../data/image/YA_16_11_0003.swi => remote:/os/secondary

>> file copied successfully

- copy via scp (scp from a linux machine)
scp /opt/iMC/server/data/image/YA_15_18_0007.swi admin@
scp /opt/iMC/server/data/image/YA_15_18_0007.swi radiususer1@
>> both user local + radius authenticated "radiususer1" worked!!

- copy via IMC pscp command:
/opt/iMC/server/bin/pscp -P 22 /opt/iMC/server/data/image/YA_15_18_0007.swi admin@
/opt/iMC/server/bin/pscp -P 22 /opt/iMC/server/data/image/YA_15_18_0007.swi radiususer1@
>> both user local + radius authenticated "radiususer1" worked!!

#there are two flags, where you can choose the protocol
-sftp force use of SFTP protocol
-scp force use of SCP protocol

#on switch side, you see in the log:
01/05/90 00:26:47 00637 ssh: scp session from
I 01/05/90 00:25:17 00636 ssh: sftp session from
I 01/05/90 00:26:21 00163 update: Firmware image contains valid signature.
I 01/05/90 00:26:30 00150 update: Secondary Image updated.

##copy from windows
C:\Program Files\iMC\server\bin>pscp.exe -P 22 ..\data\image\YA_16_11_0003.swi radius.user1@
radius.user1@'s password:
YA_16_11_0003.swi | 14846 kB | 159.6 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
# option -scp (speed about 800kbit)
# option -sftp (speed about 150kbit)

- IMC copy command settings:
cat /opt/iMC/server/conf/ssh_sftp_client.cfg

#linux putty

ssh-cmd = plink -P $port [-i $key-file] $user-name@$device-ip
sftp-cmd = psftp -P $port [-i $key-file] $user-name@$device-ip

- After have done some "manual" testing, lets use IMC -> Service > Deployment Task to deploy some switch firmware
to switches

- further readings

Execute command in sftp connection through script:

useful stuff regarding ssh/sftp and hpe switches:

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