How to pull logs from HPE ArubaOS switch?

How to pull logs via Putty:

- Open a Putty window and select SESSION and LOGGING.
- Click the PRINTABLE OUTPUT radial dial.
- The default file name will be putty.log. Browse for the location you want to place this file (Desktop is usually the easiest to find).
- Now use Putty to connect to the switch via telnet or SSH, and issue the SHOW TECH ALL command.
- The switch will display the contents of the log file while it is also sending it to the file and location you

How to pull logs via TFTP server:

- You can send the show tech file to a TFTP server by issuing the following command:
- Copy command-output 'show tech all' tftp <tftp ip address> <filename>
- The switch will take a moment to generate the show tech output, and then send it to the TFTP server as a file.
- Attach the file.

How to pull logs via HperTerminal:

Double-click the HyperTerminal icon
- Enter a name for the connection - click OK
- Select TCP/IP (Winsock)
- Enter the IP Address of the switch and enter 23 for the port number - click OK
- Enter the password for the switch
- Select Transfer - Capture Text
- Click on Browse and select Desktop (or another location if you'd prefer)
- Enter a File name and Save as type: Text file (*.TXT) - click Save - click Start
- At the command prompt (#) enter - show tech all
- Once the data stops scrolling, stop the capture (Transfer - Capture Text - Stop)
- Connect to the switch using HyperTerminal with the Capture File option enabled
- Attach the file.

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