Computer and IT knowledge - things to know
> the certificate for content inspection with watchguard firewalls needs to be a certificate from type:
>> subordinate certification authority / Untergeordnete Zertifizierungsstelle
> on your local pki you need to create a template for this type if not already created
> on your watchguard you need to create a csr
>> firebox system manager > certificates > Create CSR > Proxy Authority
>> fill out all the fields for the subject name
>> dns name should be resolvable by your dns (this is not necessary but recommend)
>> ip address should match the firebox (this is not necessary but recommend)
>> user domain name >> the administrator email address for the device domain
> sign the csr with your local pki using the "subordinate certification authority" template
> import the certificate to your firebox
> it is important to do this in one go, because the firebox wont have the private key after closing the wizard
> last you need to use the certificate in a policy using the inspect option
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