Computer and IT knowledge - things to know
checkmk > raw edition to enterprise > optimize creation of rrd graph files
1: create rule:
Configuration of RRD databases of services
> RRD storage format: One RRD per host/service (saves disk IO, only with CMC)
2: create another rule:
Configuration of RRD databases of hosts
> RRD storage format: One RRD per host/service (saves disk IO, only with CMC)
3: stop site
4: in command line / as site user run the command:
cmk -v --convert-rrds
>> old rrd files are under: ~/var/pnp4nagios/perfdata
>> to count old, run: find ~/var/pnp4nagios/perfdata |grep rrd$ |wc -l
>> new rrd files will now be created under: ~/var/check_mk/rrd
>> to count new, run: find ~/var/check_mk/rrd |grep rrd$ |wc -l
>> to delete old rrd files, run command:
cmk -v --convert-rrds --delete-rrds
additional stuff:
- live watching the convertion process:
watch "find ~/var/check_mk/rrd |grep rrd$ |wc -l; find ~/var/pnp4nagios/perfdata |grep rrd$ |wc -l"
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