Tested with AOS-CX 10.12

- there is a AOS-CX 10.12 SNMP/MIB Guide - a good documentation
- in earlier versions (not sure which exact versions!) of AOS-CX it was not possible to write SNMP - just read operations were implemented

#create a snmpv3 user:
snmpv3 user mySNMPv3user auth sha auth-pass plaintext myauthpassword01 priv des priv-pass plaintext myprivpassword01 access-level rw

#read test
snmpwalk -v3 -l authPriv -u mySNMPv3user -a SHA -A "myauthpassword01" -x DES -X "myprivpassword01 " .

#write test - enable power of ethernet (PoE) on port 1:
snmpset -v3 -l authPriv -u mySNMPv3user -a SHA -A "myauthpassword01" -x DES -X "myprivpassword01 " SNMPv2-SMI::mib- i 1

#write test - disable power of ethernet (PoE) on port 1:
snmpset -v3 -l authPriv -u mySNMPv3user -a SHA -A "myauthpassword01" -x DES -X "myprivpassword01" SNMPv2-SMI::mib- i 2

#see poe Admin status on all ports
snmpbulkwalk -v3 -l authPriv -u mySNMPv3user -a SHA -A "myauthpassword01" -x DES -X "myprivpassword01" .

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